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Sump Pumps

A sump pump drains water to remove moisture and prevent flooding in your home or maintains the flow of clear, filtered water through your pond or fountain.
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As its name suggests, a submersible pump, or sump pump, is installed beneath the water to drain water away from your home or to circulate water through your pond or fountain. Many home sump pumps use centrifugal force to move water through a spinning impeller that sends water away from the home. Whether or not a sump pump is right for your basement depends on your location. Sump pumps are especially beneficial if you live in a flood zone or an area with heavy rainfall.

Frequently asked questions: How do sump pumps work? Are sump pumps necessary? Where does sump pump water go?

Visit our blog for the full list of FAQs about sump pumps and answers to these questions.


A Basement Sump Pump

A sump pump protects your home from flooding during a storm. Cracks in the foundation of your home allow water to seep in and ruin your personal belongings. The sump pump collects the water and drains it away from your home.

When to use a basement sump pump

  • • Crawl space and basement flood prevention
  • • Moving groundwater
  • • Draining pools
  • • Small excavations
  • • Bailing and other flooding emergencies

When not to use a basement sump pump

  • • With flammable liquids (e.g. gasoline, oil etc.)
  • • With corrosive liquids
  • • With raw sewage
  • • With applications where the pump could run dry
  • • With water laden with sand, gravel, and straw
  • • With an extension cord

How a sump pump works

A sump pump rests under the water in a sump pit dug at the lowest point of your home, often in a basement or crawlspace.

A liner holds the sump pump in place.

The pressure sensor activates the pump when water fills the pit.

A Float valve or float switch flushes the water away from the pump.

A check valve prevents water from flowing back into the pump.

How to know if your sump pump works

Pour a few buckets of water into the sump pit. If the float switch activates and the water drains, then your pump is functioning properly.

Submersible Pond and Fountain Pumps

A submersible pond pump feeds water to the pump through filters that clean it and send it back to your garden. These sump pumps are designed with strong motors capable of handling large solids.

A fountain sump pump circulates water through your garden features for beautiful waterfalls and spraying fountains. This pump keeps water moving, which keeps insects from nesting in your fountain.

Benefits of Submersible Pumps for Water Features

  • • Designed to be submerged in water, making them easy to hide
  • • Quiet for a peaceful atmosphere
  • • Provide consistent water flow
  • • Capable of draining your pond when necessary

Questions to ask when selecting the right submersible pump

How much horsepower do you need?

Horsepower determines the rate at which water flows from your pump. If your flooding is minor, you may need a less powerful motor.

What float type do you need? Vertical or tethered?

The vertical float switch is the preferred type of switch because it has a very limited range of motion, meaning there is less chance of it getting stuck and not activating the pump.

The tethered float switch is the most common in a submersible pump. The float switch is attached to the pump and floats on the water. As the water rises, the float lifts to turn on the pump. Tethered float switches occasionally stick to the pump or the inside wall of the sump basin. This prevents the float from activating the pump, which could result in some flooding.