Pitcher Water Filters
A water filter pitcher reduces chlorine taste and odor, sediment, and particulates in your drinking water. Replace the filter in your Culligan or Brita pitcher.
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Omnifilter PF300T Replacement Filter for PF500 Water Filter Pitcher 3 Pack
Default Title - $23.87
Culligan PIT-1 Water Filter Pitcher
Single - $15.39
4 Pack - $82.59
Culligan PR-1 (01019010) Replacement Filter for PIT-1 Water Pitcher - 3 PK
Single - $16.98
12-Pack - $193.57
Culligan OP-1 (151241) Water Filter Pitcher
Single - $11.50
Universal Filter for most Pur Water Pitchers - 3 PAK
Default Title - $18.00
Universal Filter for most Brita Water Pitchers - 3 PAK
Single - $16.98
6 Pack - $96.78
AquaCera CS-Mini Personal Gravity Water Filter
Default Title - $78.56
Omnifilter PF500 14-Cup Water Filter Pitcher
Default Title - $15.15
Brita Replacement Filters for Water Pitchers 3 Pack
Default Title - $19.99

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Want to learn more?
A water pitcher filter is a simple, economical way to provide your family with clean drinking water. You’ll love the convenience fresh drinking water sitting in your refrigerator ready to be poured. We offer Culligan, Flotec, and Brita filters for your water pitcher.