Sanitizing Kits & Media
Sanitizing kits keep your equipment sanitized clear and contaminant-free. We offer kits for RO systems, wells, storage tanks, or cistern sanitations.
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Our goal is to make sanitizing your well, water cooler, water softener, or reverse osmosis system or tank simple and straightforward. That's why we offer the EPA approved and NSF certified Sani System sanitizer, a liquid concentrate sanitizer that works in 60 seconds and will not harm your equipment. This high-quality sanitizer uses absolutely no chlorine, but it kills 99.9% of E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, listeria monocytogenes, and other harmful bacteria. We also carry a well sanitizer kit to clean wells, storage tanks, and cisterns. Sanitizing kits kill bacteria, reduce iron build-up, and prolong your pump life.