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Fleck 5600 Time Clock 48,000 Grain Water Softener
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Hard water is not considered unhealthy, but hard water problems end up costing you money through increased soap usage, build up of calcium scale in your pipes, and shortening the life of your appliances. To correct your water hardness, Fresh Water Systems offers a wide range of water conditioning systems, designed to improve water quality throughout your entire household like the Fleck 5600 Time Clock Water Softener System.

- 48,000 Grain Capacity
- Simple mechanical design is easy to use
- Two valve body designs: downflow and upflow
- Injector/drain modules containing the brine valve, flow controls, and injector are removable for the valves exterior
- Ruggedly-built timer is designed with heavy-duty 3/8" wide plastic gears
- 5600 controls are user friendly and easily programmable
- Non corrosive, UV-resistant, fiber-reinforced polymer valve body
- Demand regeneration with a mechanical meter
- Vortex tank that uses no gravel to save money
- Economical - small annual power consumption
- Designed with double backwash
- Includes the Bypass Valve and Safety Float Valve

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