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Everpure Commercial

Everpure Insurice Single-i2000(2) Filter System EV9324-01

1 Review
Part Number: EV9324-01
Alt. Part Number: EV9324-01, EV932401
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The Everpure Insurice i2000(2) Single System EV9324-01 is designed for most manufacturer's cubers with a capacity of 100-500 lbs per day, flakers with a capacity of 400-600 lbs per day, and nuggets with a capacity of 100-300 lbs per day. Please consult the tables below for a more specific description of which Everpure Insurice System is best suited for your model of icemaker.
  • Reduces water-related ice machine problems caused by scale build-up from dirt and dissolved minerals
  • Reduces chlorine taste and odor and other offensive contaminants
  • Self-contained scale inhibitor feed keeps ice macines functioning at full capacity
  • Reduces maintenance and service costs by reducing scale and clogging of distribution lines, evaporator plate and pump
  • Reduces dirt and particles as small as 1/2 micron in size
  • Reduces health contaminants such as asbestos fibers and cryptosporidium and giardia cysts
  • Sanitary quick change cartridge is easy to install and replace
Save electricity and boost your ice production volume with the compatible ChillTech Heat Exchanger.
  • Increase ice production up to 30%
  • Reduce your ice maker cycle times
  • Lowers kWh consumption up to 30%
  • Includes 2 year warranty
  • Self cleaning and maintenance free

Systems Cubers (lbs) Flakers (lbs) Nuggets (lbs)
Insurice Single <200 - <300
Insurice Twin <800 <800 <800
Insurice Triple <1200 <1600 -
Insurice Quad <1500 - -
Insurice Triple 7FC-S <1900 <1600 -

Systems Cubers (lbs) Flakers (lbs) Pearls (lbs)
Insurice Single <500 - <500
Insurice Twin <1000 <1000 <1100
Insurice Triple <1900 <1500 <1400

Systems Cubers (lbs) Nuggets (lbs)
Insurice Single <500 <300
Insurice Twin <800 -
Insurice Triple <1500 -
Insurice Triple 7FC-S <2200 -
Insurice Quad 7FC-S <3500 -

Systems Cubers (lbs) Flakers (lbs) Nuggets (lbs)
Insurice Single <600 <600 <600
Insurice Twin <1000 <900 <1100
Insurice Triple - <1300 <1400
Insurice Triple 7FC-S - <1900 <1600
Insurice Quad 7FC-S <2600 <2500 <2400
Compatible with:
CunoCFS8576-S 55819-06, ICE120-S 56160-03
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