Atlantic Ultraviolet
Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation offers water treatment systems that use ultraviolet light to disinfect bacteria in water and other UV light accessories.
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Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation produces quality products that utilize ultraviolet germicidal light for liquid and air purification, disinfection, and sanitization. Atlantic Ultraviolet's UV systems have chamber reactors made of 304 or 316 stainless steel electropolished and passivated inside and out.
SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY NOTICE: Avoid contacting bare skin with the quartz envelope. Compounds from skin heated on lamps operating at 600 to 850˚c will form permanent etching (devitrification) on the quartz surface, decreasing UV energy transmission. A contaminated lamp will eventually overheat and cause premature failure. Alcohol wipes and rubber gloves are included with every purchase of a quartz sleeve or lamp.
NOTE: In case of contact with bare skin, sanitize lamp with alcohol wipe before use.
SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY NOTICE: Avoid contacting bare skin with the quartz envelope. Compounds from skin heated on lamps operating at 600 to 850˚c will form permanent etching (devitrification) on the quartz surface, decreasing UV energy transmission. A contaminated lamp will eventually overheat and cause premature failure. Alcohol wipes and rubber gloves are included with every purchase of a quartz sleeve or lamp.
NOTE: In case of contact with bare skin, sanitize lamp with alcohol wipe before use.