What is Acidic Water and How Do You Treat It?

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John Woodard on April 03, 2024

Acidic water is a corrosive liquid that can lead to plumbing damages and unpleasant repair costs. Furthermore, acidic water also leaches heavy metals from eroding pipes, exposing your water to copper, zinc, or even lead. For many well owners across the country, acidic water is a serious water quality problem. In this article, you can learn how a whole house acid neutralizer can protect your home and health. 

What is acidic water? 

Acidic water is any water with a pH value of less than 7, but water with a pH above 6.5 is typically not acidic enough to cause problems unless you have lead pipes. pH is measured on a scale between 1 and 14, with 7 representing the neutral value. Acidic water occurs naturally in the form of rainfall. As it absorbs minerals and dissolves solid materials, the pH of the water can rise. Water with a pH value higher than 7 is considered basic, or alkaline. Mineral-rich alkaline water is touted by many for its perceived health benefits and fresh spring water taste, but many of these health benefits are scientifically unproven.

Learn more: What is alkaline water and is it good for you?

What makes water acidic? 

Water becomes acidic when it combines with carbon dioxide during the process of precipitation. During the hydrologic cycle, water from sources like the ocean, lakes, and streams evaporates. As the moist air rises, it cools and condenses into water vapor, creating clouds. This process is a natural form of water filtration. When water evaporates, it is stripped of water hardness, bacteria, and minerals. The water distillation process mimics this principle to purify water. Since all the minerals have been vaporized, this water is now soft and acidic.

Learn more: What is distilled water and is it safe to drink?

When the clouds return the water back to the earth’s surface in the form of precipitation, such as rain and snow, carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves into the rainfall. This forms a weak carbonic acid and lends water a mild acidity. The average pH of rainwater is around 5.6. When it hits the earth and seeps through layers of rock and sediment, the pH adjusts depending upon the environmental conditions it encounters. If the rain falls on calcium-rich limestone, it absorbs high mineral content and becomes hard water. However, if it seeps through a rock bed of granite, the water remains acidic. Metamorphic and igneous rocks lack the calcium to buffer the pH and neutralize the acid in the water. This means many wells are likely to have acidic water, as they are often accessing shallow groundwater for their water supplies. Water can also become acidic if it comes from chemical runoffs or mine drainage sites.

Is acidic water bad for you? 

If your water is acidic, it can leach heavy metals from pipes into your water, posing health risks. According to aces.edu, water with a pH between 6 and 7 is considered somewhat corrosive, and a pH below 6 is considered highly corrosive. Pipes made of copper or lead pose the most danger when transporting acidic water, particularly if they provide your daily source of drinking water. Regular exposure to high levels of zinc and copper leads to gastrointestinal upset, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Extended consumption of copper-heavy water can cause serious health complications, like gallstones, kidney stones, neurological damage, and even kidney and liver failure. Lead is an extremely dangerous heavy metal to consume in any amount, especially for children. Children’s bodies experience accelerated growth and absorb contaminants more readily. Lead exposure can cause cognitive impairment, memory problems, stunted development, and seizures. In adults, exposure to lead can cause high blood pressure, kidney and nervous system diseases, miscarriages and stillbirths, strokes, and even cancer. If you drink from a water source that may contain lead, you should consider another source.

Learn more: How to remove lead from water | How to remove copper from water

Effects of acidic water

Acidic water is extremely corrosive and destroys household plumbing. The corrosive properties of acidic water dissolve the copper out of your pipes, leaving blue-green stains on your drains, in your bathtubs and sinks, and around your faucets. This is an indication that serious damage is transpiring within your plumbing system, as the acidity of the water is eroding the copper out of your pipes. If left unattended, pinhole leaks can spring and lead to water damage. If these leaks emerge behind a wall, serious flooding can occur, leaving you with considerable damage to repair. Replacing your household plumbing costs around 20% of your home’s value, so treating acidic water before it deals damage is a wise investment. If you have plastic water tubing in your home like PEX or PVC, the acidic water will have a less corrosive effect on plumbing. However, acidic water also wreaks havoc on water heaters and hot water appliances. The increase in temperature amplifies the corrosive characteristics of this water, leading to damage and premature failure of water heaters and appliances.

Leaching is another significant problem caused by acidic water. As the water flows through metal pipes, it leaches metal ions into your water supply. This means the water can potentially contain levels of iron, manganese, copper, zinc, or lead depending on the materials used in your plumbing. Drinking elevated levels of heavy metals, particularly lead, can cause many undesirable health effects, such as increased cancer risk. Iron and copper discolor water and leave unsightly stains on your plumbing fixtures and in your sinks and bathtubs.  

How to treat acidic water 

The acidity of your water dictates the method of acid neutralization required to raise your pH to a neutral value. There are several methods, each with varying strength, employed to eliminate acidic water. 


The most common way to attack acidic water is with a whole-house acid neutralizer. Acid neutralizers usually use calcite to raise the pH of the water before it enters your household plumbing and wreaks havoc on your pipes. Calcite is crushed white marble media that’s rich in calcium and very high in alkalinity. Acid neutralizer tanks are installed at the water’s point of entry into your home. The acid neutralizer’s tanks are full of calcite, and when the water enters the tank it contacts the pH-adjusting media. Water is a universal solvent, and upon contact with the calcite media, it will begin to dissolve it. This introduces calcium and alkalinity to the water, raising pH and neutralizing the acidity. 

In addition to being inexpensive, calcite is self-limiting. This means calcite only acts to elevate the acidic water to neutral, non-corrosive status and does not run the risk of overcorrection. However, calcite also has basic limitations. Its efficacy is heavily reliant on the amount of contact time the water has with the media. If water is churned through the tank at a rapid pace, the pH adjustment is minimal. Additionally, because of its self-limiting properties, calcite can only effectively raise pH about one point. If your water has a pH value of around 6, calcite will appropriately boost your water’s pH level. 

Magnesium oxide

If your water has a pH level of around 5.5, calcite will need assistance in boosting the pH and neutralizing the acidity. Magnesium oxide, sold under trade names like FLOMAG and Corosex, corrects pH by neutralizing the free carbon dioxide in the water. A calcite and Corosex combination has the ability to raise pH about 1.5 points. However, unlike calcite, Corosex can quickly overcorrect if too great a quantity is added. The manufacturer's recommendation is to create a hybrid blend of about 80-90% calcite and 10-20% magnesium oxide. Furthermore, too much magnesium oxide can produce undesirable side effects. Just like milk of magnesia, too much magnesium oxide can produce a laxative effect.

Soda ash and caustic soda

Acidic water with a pH level in the low fives or high fours presents a unique challenge. An acid neutralizer tank system with calcite or Corosex is no longer a viable solution. Water this acidic demands a chemical injection system to raise pH to a comfortably neutral zone. This uses a chemical pH adjuster called soda ash. These systems use peristaltic pump technology to inject the water with a dissolved mixture of the soda ash before it enters your home and runs its ruinous course of corrosion. Chemical injection systems are high maintenance and require dedicated attention. However, if your water is this acidic, it is necessary to protect your health and your home. 

If the pH is as low as four, the only acid neutralizer you can use is caustic soda. With an alkalinity level of 14 (the highest alkaline value), caustic soda is the only thing potent enough to move the acidity out of a range this low. 

How does an acid neutralizer work? 

Acid neutralizers work by exposing the acidic water to calcite media by two different methods:  traditional backwashing and upflow technology. In a back-washing unit, the tank comes with a control valve and a mineral tank. The mineral tank is filled about halfway with calcite and magnesium oxide. As water enters the tank, it filters through the media and into a distributor basket. The water then flows out of a riser tube and into the pipes of your home. Since water chooses the path of least resistance, diagonal channels form in the media as water continues to flow in the same direction. This means the same path of media is exposed to the acidic water every time the system is used and most media in the tank does not contact the water. To counteract this, the system’s control valve periodically initiates a backwash to redistribute the media. When the system backwashes, water is forced into the tank in the opposite direction of flow. Water flows down through the riser tube, out of the basket, and lifts the media bed, swirling it around and redistributing the media evenly. The water then exits the tank as wastewater, the media bed stratifies, and the system is ready to process acidic water again. Every backwashing cycle will send around 30 to 40 gallons of water to the drain. 

In an upflow system, the unique Vortech plate technology eliminates the need for backwashing by keeping the media perpetually in motion. Similar to a backwashing system, an upflow system is comprised of a mineral tank with a distributor tube running down the center. However, in place of a distributor basket at the bottom, the upflow systems are instead fitted with a Vortech plate. The circular Vortech plate is latticed with very fine fan-blade like openings. The distributor tube runs water down into the plate and up into the media. When it passes through the plate, the water spirals upward, spinning the media around with it in a circular motion. There is no need to constantly backwash and redistribute the calcite because the media is perpetually churning around with the water. The innovative technology of upflow systems allows them to operate continuously and saves them from draining 40 gallons of wastewater every few days. 

Vortech plate

Does acid neutralization make water hard? 

To raise the pH of acidic water, acid neutralizers employ calcite, a medium rich in calcium. Calcium and magnesium are the two minerals that lead to water hardness. As the calcite dissolves in the water, the corrosive acidity is reduced, but the hardness of the water also increases. Consequently, the solution to acidic water results in moderately hard water. Most acid neutralizers raise the hardness by about five grains. If your water is already moderately hard, this could be problematic. Hard water wreaks its own brand of havoc on plumbing and results in expensive repairs, destroyed appliances, scale build-up, and water heater failure. If the pH balanced water emerging from your acid neutralizer is hard, you should install a water softener after the neutralizer. Otherwise, you risk merely exchanging one water quality issue for another. Water softeners remove hardness-causing minerals from water through a process called ion exchange, wherein calcium and magnesium are replaced with sodium ions. 

If your water is naturally soft, the acid neutralizer may not add enough hardness to the water to cause an issue. You will have to perform a home water quality test to best understand what your water treatment set-up should be. 

Learn more: What is hard water? | What is a water softener? 

How to maintain an acid neutralizer

Point-of-entry acid neutralizers are low maintenance, but they still require annual attention. Calcite and Corosex dissolve in water, mineralizing it and raising its pH level. This dissolution process is what buffers the pH. However, it also means eventually all of the calcite in the tank will disappear. Annually, you will need to replenish the media to ensure acidic water does not eat away at your pipes and flow into your home. If you use a calcite cartridge, you must change the filter in accordance with its rated gallon capacity. 

The amount of calcite you must add in heavily depends on the flow rate of your home. Acid neutralizers’ success is contingent on contact time. The speed at which you run water from your tank is linearly connected to the degree of pH adjustment that transpires. Make sure your tank size can support your flow rates and your home’s water demand.


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Comments 1-5 of 5

Do you sell an automated backwash head for your tank?

John Weston on March 27, 2023

We are on a well that is about 6 years old. We need to raise our ph 1.3 points as we had it tested. Currently our ph is 5.7. What system do we need.

William Napier on March 14, 2022

I have a whole whouse RO System (well water). The company who installed the system added a calcite media after the RO to level the PH of the water before getting into the house. The water is now at around PH 7. However, I have hard water. Water spots all over my shower glass doors, and I also fell it on my skin. I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the head vaulves of the calcite to reduce the amount of calcium or exposure time so I can lower the hardness of the water.

Henry on May 05, 2021
We’re so glad you enjoyed our video, Pierre! Thank you!
John Woodard, Master Water Specialist on September 30, 2019
Your video about acidic water is very interesting and helpf. Good job.

Pierre Petit Frere from Haiti

Pierre on September 30, 2019
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